
Playing Guitar

As a metaphor for life?


But then, anything can really be a metaphor for life, really. I was struck for instance by how accurate a metaphor for life that skiing is. You're learning all the time. Every experience is different. Sometimes it's pretty easy to figure something out. Sometimes it's tough and you fall over. But it doesn't really hurt. Unless it does, and then you learn from that. But you can never really go back to something again. You can do the same run again, but you'll never go over the same patch of snow again.

Playing music is a bit like that. It's instant and ethereal. It exists only for the split second that your mind is processing it. A bit like life. Life exists only for the split second you are processing it, the moment that you are living in. It is only this moment that you have any control over, and it is only this moment that can have any impact on your future. Only by conducting yourself correctly in the present can you manifest the future that you desire.

Key changes represent the big deals, the big events that come along and change you. A major injury. The end of a relationship. Moving house/town/school. Reading a book/hearing music/seeing a film which truly touches you. These big events, like key changes, take a second or two to adjust to, but usually things work out for the best.

Chord changes and resolutions, sometimes they work, sometimes they don't. They are similar to harmonies. Sometimes harmonising can be difficult, sometimes it's easy. Sometimes it just doesn't work, sometimes it blows you away. But you deal with it in the instant that it occurs. And then it's gone, and you're on to the next harmony, the next line, the next chord. You can analyse it after the fact and maybe make positive changes, but in the instant, all you can do is go with it.

Music, like everything in life, is a bit like life itself. You learn something, you make a mistake, you learn from that mistake. Sometimes you get to revisit mistakes, sometimes, you can use the lessons learned making one mistake, to stop you making the same mistake.

One message to take from this: Live in the moment. It makes so many things so much easier!

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